When the Cowpoke Occupied Wall Street: Part One

Shucks, fellas. It’s sure been a while. If you don’t recall, I’m cowpoke Dave, classical composer, occasional flower festival appreciator, and now, revolutionary. That’s right. There’s an anger itch’n my britches, and it’s corporate greed. Cowpoke Dave’s got grievances.

Now, Cowpoke Dave’s had a steady job for a few years. And Cowpoke Dave shaves regularly. So as I walked to Liberty Square, once Zuccotti Park, I must admit I didn’t know if this ol’ cowpoke’d fit in. Luckily, them Fox newsers couldn’t see a turd if it were dropping out of their fanny.

That’s right. I saw all sorts of folks getting ready to march to Washington Square; black folk, white folk, bearded folk, small folk, tall folk, old folk, young folk, babies, veterans, baby-veterans—I tell ya. All walks of life were gearing up to walk in this here march.

‘Round 11:15, the march began. Now folks, Cowpoke Dave’s not a marcher. I’m a classical composer, for Pete’s sake (God rest your soul, Pete). So when the people started screamin’, I got a little jittery in the pants:

Occupy Wall Street/ all day all Week

Banks got bailed out/We got sold out

Show me what democracy looks like
this is what democracy looks like

That one was a little long for this tune-whistler’s preference, but dang if I didn’t start a chanting. As we walked up to Washington Square, there were tons of folks watching and staring. Lots of them tourist buses passed, and the protestors (yours truly included, of course), yelled:

Get of the bus/Come join us!

What a rootin’ tootin protestin’ grand time, no?

And finally, finally, we reached Washington Square Park. There were more people there than this ol' cowpoke's seen in some time, smilin' and waving signs. It was so beautiful that I started to tear up a little, truth be told. I mean, this is de-mo-cra-cy, ain't it? Messy? Sure. But dang if I didn't feel like it was about time.

Yet dark skies were about to descend on the Big Apple, 'cause the march weren't through yet. That's right. Though my dogs were barkin', they'd have to bark a little longer--Times Square was a callin'...

Tune in for my next adventure, coming soon...