October 15th March to Washington Square in Photos

Dear Friends:

Today was a special day. Enjoy these fine pictures. Full blog coming tomorrow...

Protest dog really lifted our spirits.

Spectacular hair + profession sign = awesome

The evolved protester makes police think he's always watching from behind
Chanted with the best of them

Soldiers/Big Blowing Face
Heading to Washington Square piggyback.

So many dogs have been forced from them homes and now live in bags. Tragic.

Well, said the broom. We had our moment.
Minutes before, she was flipping off a cop.

These guys were just plain nice. No joke.
Good hat, good flag.

Pig man discusses credit default swaps.
A bunch of men in blue hanging

This pyramid symbolized worker oppression. But the real pyramids took way longer.

Okay, here's a list of solutions. So be quiet, FOX news.
I don't think yarn bike was protesting. I just thought it was neat.
Tune in tomorrow for Cowpoke Dave's Harrowing Adventures marching to Times Square!