"Missed a Spot" Ploy Planned to Oust Occupy Wall Street Protestors

After more than three weeks of protesting, Occupy Wall Street faces its most devious assault yet—the dreaded “Missed a Spot” strategy. Originating in Sun Tzu’s seminal text, The Art of War, the “Missed a Spot Technique has been used to dampen political unrest and strife in nearly all the major demonstrations of the last two centuries, from the British crackdown of the Indian Independence Movement to the Civil Rights Movement.

On Friday October 14th at 7:00 AM, Brookfield Office Properties (the owners of Zuccotti Park, renamed Liberty Park), intend to clean the park and have asked protestors to move their possessions. Cleaners will attend to the park in thirds, in four-hour increments.

Fearful of the “Missed a Spot Technique,” notoriously used to remove protestors through park cleanliness loopholes, Occupy Wall Street decided to pre-empt Brookfield Office Properties with a yet-to-be-tested “We Are Also Capable of Using Mops” non-violent method.

Occupy Wall Street called a general assembly to allocate $3,000 from a reported $150,000 in reserve to buy mops, paint thinner, and brooms. The Granny Patrol, a group of over-fifty protestors, led the charge, going tile by tile to ensure compliance with city health standards. By 5PM, the park was reportedly “clean enough to eat off of, but we’ll continue to use plates.”

In anticipation of an additional ploy, the infamous “Yeah, but you still missed a spot” strategy, protestors scrubbed the park a second time, re-mulching green spaces and massaging the trees.

Protestors began to amass to defend the park, planning to link arms before the alleged Friday 7AM deadline. “If they want us to be cleaner,” one protested commented. “Why won’t they allow us to bring in port a potties?”

But it isn’t Liberty Park. To show your support, come on down or find out more at Occupy Wall Street. Something smells about this upcoming clash, my friends. Please share and repost.