Tea Baggers, Muslim Extremists, and Funny Bones.

Dear Meek and Downtrodden:

I would like to alert you to a grave hypocrisy. The Tea Baggers (please do not google tea bagging if you are under 17, and if you do not understand why, you are likely under 17 or live under a rock without internet), ahem, the Tea Baggers are threatening the life of a one Mark Fiore, who put out a video with the generous goal of teaching you and I to speak "Tea Bag."

To repeat--these self-proclaimed "protectors of liberty" are now threatening his life.

You may remember an incident in the land of the Danes not too long ago in which a cartoonist named Kurt Westergaard was similarly threatened by Muslim extremists for drawing Muhammad. Most recently, an axe wielding young man burst into the house of aforementioned cartoonist with the intent to have a sharp discussion on--we can infer from this that some people actually view The Shining as a  pivotal coming of age story instead of a tale of self-obsession and madness.

Now, you know that as a defender of the meek, I must remain open to all forms of humor (except those attack bagel bites, which are beyond reproach). But surely this is not the American way.  If you want your voice heard, post excessively on facebook or twitter to your heart's content. Write your message on a carrot cake and send it to your enemy. Scrawl your beliefs on animal crackers and hand them out at country fairs. But please be civil.

Praise the bagel adorned with cubicle pepperoni and be well.

thinkingfrog, defender of the meek.